Location: Palacio del Almirante (Placeta del Almirante, s/n – 18071 Granada)
Opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 08:00 h to 22:00 h / Summer: 9:00 a 14:00 horas
Phone: +34 958 071 246
Administrative Office: Espacio V Centenario (Avda. de Madrid, s/n – 18071 Granada)
Opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 9 to 14 h
Phone: +34 958241000 ext. 20612
A broad programme in cultural activities in the areas of: Visual & Performing Arts, Music, Heritage, Humanities, Cinema, Social Sciences and other.
■ C/ Oficios 14 –Next to the Cathedral
■ culturacontemporanea@ugr.es
■ http://lamadraza.ugr.es/
Screenings take place Tuesday and Friday at:
Sala Máxima del Espacio V Centenario (Avda de Madrid) at 21:00
[Training programme, events and concerts]
■ Admissions:
Deadline for applications open at the beginning of every academic year
Email: orquesta@ugr.es
[Ancient and contemporary music]
■ Admissions:
Deadline for applications open at the beginning of every academic year
Email: corociencias@ugr.es
[If you are interested in joining the non-professional Faculty of Science Choir, contact them at corociencias@ugr.es]
Faculty of Science (Campus Fuentenueva s/n)
■ Universidad de Granada,
■ 18071 Granada, España